Thursday, November 8, 2012

The New Me

I did not change much in coming to college, but I did change as far as who my friends are. In high school, I was friends with people from my classes and from marching band. Here, I am not really friends with anyone from the marching band, which I why I do not think I will be doing it next year. Also, I am not really friends with the people in my classes since college classes aren't like high school. You aren't trapped in the classroom till the bell rings. If there is free time at the end of class, the teacher just dismisses you, instead of keeping you there. Because of that, I haven't had much time to social with people in class. I am only friends with the people who I know from clubs, activities, or my dorm. Also, I went to a pretty small high school. When you made a group of friends, you were kind of stuck with them. By the end of high school, I was pretty much sick of a lot of my friends. They were just kind of boring to me because we didn't have the same interests. Here, I got to pick my friends, and now I have lots in common with them. That's not to say we're all the same, but at least we have something to talk about. I think this is a positive change.

Another change is that I am eating a lot more healthy foods. Back home, we had lots of snack foods because of my brother. However, they were still hard for me to resist. Living away from home is nice because I get to pick what food I keep in my dorm. That way I don't have to constantly be resisting the temptation of snacking. Also, when I go to the union, I have lots of options of healthy and unhealthy food. I only have to make the choice of which meal I am going to eat one time a day, rather than every time I walk through the kitchen. I would definitely say this is a positive change.

The last change I have noticed is that I feel happier.I am no longer stuck in school all day. Instead, I have a schedule that I picked for myself, and I am only taking relevant classes. Instead of wasting my time in a study hall or in an unrelated history class, I am taking education courses that really interest me. I love that I am actually starting to do something for my future. Before, everything I did was for my college applications. Now, I am learning how to be a highly qualified teacher, which is my passion. Having a more relevant life, rather than wasting my time with unnecessary courses, is making me a much happier person.

My Friends

When I came to BW, I only knew one student here because she went to high school with me. We were never very close, but since coming to BW we have become close friends. Most of the people I hang out with live in my dorm. We can usually be found in North's lounge doing homework, watching tv, listening to music, and just talking. I also made lots of friends through the activities that I am a part of. The last way that I made friends was through my calc class. It is very challenging and we work together on homework  each week. Doing three house of homework together three times a week has made us very close. My group of friends has definitely changed of the semester. Originally I was friends with people from marching band since they were the first people I met when I moved in early for band camp. Now, I don't see many of them more than once a week, if at all. Also, it took a while for my math class and dorm friends to become close, but now we have lots of fun together. I do not think it was harder or easier to make friends than I thought. I knew that I would find people I liked and wasn't too worried about making friends. I was new in 7th grade when I moved to Ohio, so I knew I would be fine in college, where everyone is new.